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upcoming classes

Kilnformed Boxes & Triptychs

February 4th-8th, 2019

       Warm Glass Uk
5 Havyat Park
Havyat Road
BS40 5PA


In this class students will explore techniques to construct three kilnformed boxes with decorative lids, as well as a wall panel that features a storytelling triptych. The magical, endless properties of thicker fibre paper will become evident at each step of the process.


Students will cut sheet glass into strips and stacks.  By using found forms or fibre paper, students will discover how to create glass boxes of any size and configuration. In creating fitted lids for the boxes, and the triptych wall piece, you have the opportunity to define an area with fibre paper which showcases a special flat glass piece and other elements made during the class.


Coldworking will be integral to the work to give it the finish it deserves. All firing schedules and project construction “shop drawings” will be supplied.


This class is full. Please check with Warm Glass UK for the Wait List.

Coming soon!

I am very excited to announce--

Kilnformed Boxes & Triptychs is coming to 

The Pittsburgh Glass Center, June 24-28, 2019


Please stay tuned here for news and at for listing and enrollment


Ongoing Classes in South Burlington, Vermont

At South End Glass at Davis Studio

916 Shelburne Road,

South Burlington, VT 05403.


Offering a changing list of Glass Fusing classes exploring a variety of techniques and approaches to working

in glass in a kiln.

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